Mail Inspector Platform

Experience a new paradigm in security with a learning-based email firewall and AI-driven email management, protecting the entire spectrum of email communication.

Based on the ITU-T X.1236, it enables comprehensive threat response.

The World's First International Standard-Based
Email Security Solution: Mail Inspector Platform

In September 2023, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) designated the ‘ITU-T X. 1236 Security Requirements and Countermeasures for Targeted Email Attacks‘, as the international standard for email security.

According to World Trade Organization’s Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Articles 2.4 and 2.7, member countries are strongly encouraged to incorporate email security standards when establishing their own technical regulations.

Therefore, international email security standards have become established as reliable shared guidelines that businesses and public institutions worldwide should reference.

Diagnose your email security status
through Mail Inspector.

Is your email secure?

From the moment of sending to arrival,
all phases of email transmission are vulnerable.

Key Issues in Inbound Area

Global Ransomware Damage Costs


Originating from cyber attack emails.


Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)


Sent without malicious code.

Key Issues in Outbound Area

The Most Threatening Security Incidents for Organizations (%)


Storing sensitive business information in emails.


Malicious criminal actions by insider threats.


Work-related incidents by internal employees.

Address email security across
the entire spectrum in one solution

International Standard-Based
Email Security

The Mail Inspector Platform is built on the basis of the ITU-T X. 1236 international standard, utilizing advanced threat security Multi AI to establish personalized email security for each user.

It complies with security requirements for targeted email attacks:
21 types in the diagnostic area, 17 types in the inbound area, and 12 types in the outbound area.

Multi AI is a technology that combines Main AI,
which builds reinforcement learning algorithms
by learning predictive variables through actual email information collection, with various Sub AIs.

Multi-AI Utilized Multilayered Diagnostic Approach:

Risk Intelligence Collection and Learning

By learning email data received over one month, precisely understands the email usage patterns of each user.

Advanced Email Analysis and Customized Diagnostics

Utilizing the accumulated data from the learning process, meticulously analyzes and diagnoses over 10 risk scenarios and potential threat possibilities.

AI-Generated Reports

Automatically generates detailed email security diagnostic reports based on the diagnostic results.

Adapting to Infinite
Targeted Attacks with Multi AI:

Reinforcement Learning Algorithm

Utilizing learned email data, conducts risk analysis across the entire email spectrum (incoming/outgoing).

Association Rule Algorithm

Effectively responds to various types of targeted attacks, such as sender changes and header manipulation detection, using association rules.

Random Forest

Detects similar domains and effectively responds to attacks by distinguishing the level of risk.

An International Standard-Based Solution
Covering the Entire Spectrum of Email Security

Learn more about Mail Inspector Platform

Tailored Security Services for Enterprises

We recommend security solutions tailored to the specific needs and types of each enterprise.

Education Program

Enhance your knowledge of Mail Inspector Platform technology and international email security standards through specialized training courses.

Partner Program and Collaboration Proposal

We are looking for partners to join Mail Inspector Platform for a successful leap in business together.